My daughters 8th Birthday is coming up and I thought I would make something for her room. We are going to redecorate it in blacks, browns, and beiges. Neutral colors are best, because we will be staging our home soon for moving. To start off with here are the supplies,
1. 2 8x10 in Plain wood picture frames from the dollar store, will be using 1 of the frames and both pieces of glass.
2. Tacky glue (was out of hot glue)
3. A wood initial, I chose an A.
4. Fancy scrapbooking paperclamps.
5. Black, ivory, and clear matte finish Krylon spray paint.
6. 4 screw hooks
7. Scrapbook paper, fancy glittery and textured
8. Various Beads
9. Various ribbons
10. Various stencil shapes
11. Scrapbook mounting squares
Now let's get started
First make sure all glass is cleaned and fingerprint free. Next cut scrapbook paper into 6x4 rectangle. Add scrapbook mounting squares to the back, each corner and 2 in between each corner and 2 in the middle. Peel off squares and center onto one of the pieces of glass. Shown here:
Add glue to each corner, I would have added hot glue, (the best for this project in my opinion) but I was out so I used Aleene's Tacky glue. Sandwich 2nd piece of glass over top making sure all corners are even. I then used the paperclamps to squeeze the glass together for drying. Shown here:
Now, I added the Screw hooks before I took it outside to Spray paint. I needed to use a hammer to gently get the screw started, then twisted them into place. I used 4 and eyeballed the placement.
I also added the paperclamps I used earlier for the
glass and glued them to the frame.
I then painted 3 coats of black satin Krylon to the frame and the initial, then I used the stencils as a negative and laid them down randomly on the black frame, sprayed a little bit and it gave a unique effect.
I sprayed the frame with a final coat of Clear Matte Krylon.
Here is the final product, you could then add a picture hanger to the back to hang on the wall.
Really cute! Gotta love the Dollar Store...good luck with the move. :)